Sunday, February 24, 2008

Step Up!

As with any goal you want to achieve I think it's important to keep it fresh in your mind. So when it comes to health and fitness it isn't any different. One of many things I do to keep my health and fitness in check is to read about it on a daily basis. It can be anything from NY Times health news, Reuters, or even blogs.

I want to take this post to tell you about my favorite source. The blog is written by Tony Gentilcore, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. If you were to ever meet Tony, you'd understand exactly why he writes the way he does,'s Tony in a nutshell. His blog is entertaining, funny, and most importantly informative and educational. I'd say if you need some motivation on a regular basis, just reading his blog might do the trick. It can be found at the boston herald site here:

Step Up!

Cuz Tony Said So...

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